

さてさて、Ultra96のVivadoプロジェクトだけど、結論から言うとVivado 2018.2のBoard Fileで作成してはいけない。



Ultra96用のPetaLinux BSPを持ってぃればいい。



XilinxのDownloadサイトからUltra96 BSPをダウンロードして、展開してからhardwareディレクトリのプロジェクトを使用する。

さんざん、悪戦苦闘したけどVivado 2018.2のデフォルトで起動しないなんてありえないよ。


さらに96 Board仕様だとUARTは96Board準拠のコネクタにでているんだけど、PSの UARTは別の3pinヘッダに出力されている。





ボードのピンも2.54mmに付け替え、UART0からUART1へ変更して、Device Tree作ったりして・・・


Xilinx Zynq MP First Stage Boot Loader 
Release 2018.2   Jun 30 2018  -  21:22:14                                       
Reset Mode      :       System Reset                                            
Platform: Silicon (4.0), Cluster ID 0x80000000                                  
Running on A53-0 (64-bit) Processor, Device Name: XCZU3EG                       
Processor Initialization Done                                                   
================= In Stage 2 ============                                       
SD0 Boot Mode                                                                   
SD: rc= 0                                                                       
File name is BOOT.BIN                                                           
Multiboot Reg : 0x0                                                             
Image Header Table Offset 0x8C0                                                 
*****Image Header Table Details********                                         
Boot Gen Ver: 0x1020000                                                         
No of Partitions: 0x4                                                           
Partition Header Address: 0x440                                                 
Partition Present Device: 0x0                                                   
Initialization Success                                                          
======= In Stage 3, Partition No:1 =======                                      
UnEncrypted data Length: 0x153E27                                               
Data word offset: 0x153E27                                                      
Total Data word length: 0x153E27                                                
Destination Load Address: 0xFFFFFFFF                                            
Execution Address: 0x0                                                          
Data word offset: 0xED70                                                        
Partition Attributes: 0x26                                                      
Destination Device is PL, changing LoadAddress                                  
Non authenticated Bitstream download to start now                               
DMA transfer done                                                               
PL Configuration done successfully                                              
Partition 1 Load Success                                                        
======= In Stage 3, Partition No:2 =======                                      
UnEncrypted data Length: 0x31F4                                                 
Data word offset: 0x31F4                                                        
Total Data word length: 0x31F4                                                  
Destination Load Address: 0xFFFEA000                                            
Execution Address: 0xFFFEA000                                                   
Data word offset: 0x162BA0                                                      
Partition Attributes: 0x116                                                     
Partition 2 Load Success                                                        
======= In Stage 3, Partition No:3 =======                                      
UnEncrypted data Length: 0x2E04A                                                
Data word offset: 0x2E04A                                                       
Total Data word length: 0x2E04A                                                 
Destination Load Address: 0x8000000                                             
Execution Address: 0x8000000                                                    
Data word offset: 0x165DA0                                                      
Partition Attributes: 0x114                                                     
Partition 3 Load Success                                                        
All Partitions Loaded                                                           
================= In Stage 4 ============                                       
PM Init Success                                                                 
Protection configuration applied                                                
Running Cpu Handoff address: 0xFFFEA000, Exec State: 0                          
Exit from FSBL                                                                  
PMUFW:  v1.0                                                                    

U-Boot 2018.01-00029-g987756e598-dirty (Jul 02 2018 - 22:15:00 +0900) Xilinx Zy1

I2C:   ready                                                                    
DRAM:  2 GiB                                                                    
EL Level:       EL2                                                             
Chip ID:        zu3eg                                                           
MMC:   sdhci@ff160000: 0 (SD), sdhci@ff170000: 1                                
Using default environment                                                       

In:    serial@ff010000                                                          
Out:   serial@ff010000                                                          
Err:   serial@ff010000                                                          
Bootmode: SD_MODE                                                               
Net:   Net Initialization Skipped                                               
No ethernet found.                                                              
Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0                                                
switch to partitions #0, OK                                                     
mmc0 is current device                                                          
Device: sdhci@ff160000                                                          
Manufacturer ID: 74                                                             
OEM: 4a60                                                                       
Name: USDU1                                                                     
Tran Speed: 50000000                                                            
Rd Block Len: 512                                                               
SD version 3.0                                                                  
High Capacity: Yes                                                              
Capacity: 14.9 GiB                                                              
Bus Width: 4-bit                                                                
Erase Group Size: 512 Bytes                                                     
reading system.dtb                                                              
37182 bytes read in 18 ms (2 MiB/s)                                             
** Unable to read file zImage **                                                
## Error: "distro_bootcmd" not defined                                          

